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Inquiries into the legitimacy of war.  Dialogue to find better  alternatives.

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Books cited

The British Yearbook of International Law 1998

Christine Gray, International Law and the Use of Force, Oxford 2000

Antonio Cassesse, International Law, Oxford 2001

Yoram Dinstein, War Aggression and Self-Defence, 3rd Edn, 2001, Chs 6-9

Kriangsak Kittichaisare, International Criminal Law, OUP 2001

Ingrid Detter, The Law of War, 2nd Edn Cambridge University Press, 2000

Deiter Fleck, The Handbook of Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflicts, 2000

Clive Lewis, Judicial Remedies in Public Law, 2nd Ed 2000.

Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, Eds Frowein & Wolfrum, 1998

The United Nations and the Development of Collective Security, Oppenheim's International Law 9th Edn 1991, ed R.Jennings and A. Watts

Danesh Saroshi, The United Nations and the Development of Collective Security, Oxford 1999,

Bruno Simma, Ed., The Charter of the United Nations, 2nd Ed., 2002.

The United Nations and the Iraq-Kuwait Conflict, UN Blue Book Series Vol IX, 1990-1996 (1996).

Zamir & Woolf, The Declaratory Judgement, 3rd Edn, 2002.Danesh Saroshi,

Journal articles

Constantine Antonopolos, 'The Unilateral Use of Force by States After the end of the Cold War' JACL 1999 117, p155.

Neils Blokker, 'Is the Authorisation authorised? Powers and Practice of the UN Security Council to authorise the Use of Force by "Coalitions of the Able and Willing"' EJIL 2000 11, p541.

Michael Byers, ‘Terrorism, the Use of Force and International Law after 11 September‘, ICLQ,

(51 ICLQ 401).

O’Connell, ‘Evidence of Terror‘, Jnl of Conflict and Security Law, 7, Issue 1, April 2002: pp19-36

O’Connell, ‘The Legality of the 1993 US Missile Strike on Iraq and the right of Self-Defence in International Law’ 45 ICLQ, 162 (1996).

Thomas Franck, ‘Legal Authority for the possible use of force against Iraq’, ASIL Proceedings 1998, UN Document S/PV, 4644,8.11.2002.

Christine Gray, ‘After the Ceasefire: Iraq, the Security Council and the Use of Force’, BYIL 1994 135, p162.

Christine Gray, ‘From Unity to Polarisation: International Law and the Use of force against Iraq’, EJIL 2002 131, p22.

‘International Law in a Changing Legal System' CLJ 1999 78 p.94. (U of Cambridge Rede Lecture Oct 1998).

Jules Lobel and Michael Ratner, ‘Bypassing the Security Council, Ambiguous Authorisations to use force, Cease-fires and the Iraqi Inspection Regime‘, 1999 AJIL 124, p127.

M.Wood, The Interpretation of Security Council resolutions’ Max Plank Yearbook of United Nations Law 2, 73.

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